April 4, 2010

3 Weeks Down and...

Just a little update here. I have completed 3 full weeks of training. I am doing 20 miles per week. 3 on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday, 3 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday.
I'm still doing cycling class on Monday nights for now as well. This will remain the schedule until Memorial Day. Then we will start increasing distance.

The first week was all walking with just a little jog mixed in. I couldn't even do 4.0 on the treadmill, more like 3.7 most days. Probably couldn't jog for more than a minute or two.

The second week I could walk about 4.1 to 4.2 and each day I could run a little more than the day before. On my 4 mile Thursday run, I ran one of the miles nonstop. Haven't done that in over 5 years.

The third week went equally as well, and everyday has gotten better and faster. My 4 mile run on Thursday was under 54 minutes which is better than a 13:30 pace. Then my 3 miles run on Saturday was under 38 minutes which is under a 13:00 pace.

Today (Easter Sunday) was the first day that I had to run outside because the Y was closed. I didn't like the way it felt when I started, but settled in fine. I did 6 miles all along the White River and my pace was very consistent with what the treadmill has been telling me.

I've been doing the weekday runs at 6 a.m. at the Yorktown Y. This is very new for me, but it's already becoming a habit I don't mind. At the Yorktown Y, the treadmills have a Nike+Ipod feature that I can plug in the Ipod and it will record my run to review at nikeplus.com It's very cool and you can also buy a sensor for your shoe for outdoor runs.

There are some runs in Muncie this summer on the Greenway that I'd like to do, but my confidence with all of this is just not where I'd like it to be yet.

Part of that confidence problem comes from my weight. I'm still the "fat kid" on the treadmill. I know when I started this I said that losing weight was not the goal, but rather just a benefit that would come with doing this. I guess I just thought it would be a benefit that would be showing by now. THE SCALE IS NOT MOVING.

Clearly, I'm going to have to pay more attention to what I'm eating. In the past I've changed my diet without exercise and lost weight, but it is not working the other way.

I'm not giving up! I will do this.


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