Had to get permission from the Mrs (she loves me), and make sure I could crash with him on Saturday night, and I'm in! I didn't even care which leg he had me run! I did the Flying Pig Half Marathon last year, so I had already run the first leg 6.84 miles, and most of the second leg 5.16 miles, so when Mark told me I'd be running the 3rd leg, I was glad to run a new section of the course, even if it was the longest leg at 7.67 miles!

The race starts at 6:30 and we had to allow time for the commute, traffic, parking, and then board our buses that would transport us to the start line! I learned later that there were over 600 relay teams! That's 1800 people that have to be transported to 3 different exchange zones! They were ready for us, and it could not have been better!

Once the first runner came through about 7:35, everyone became a little more active. I got the text from Shaun at 8:00 that he could see John finishing leg #1 and was now starting his leg, so I knew I had about 50 minutes if he was running a 10 minute pace. I got up and stretched. Had my second granola bar of the morning and some water. Went to the bathroom and began the lookout for his red shirt! I cued up a text to Mark and when I spotted Shaun, I sent it, zipped up the phone in my spibelt, and awaited the handoff!

I took the timing chip from Shaun and blew out of the zone. (Shaun crushed the hills with a sub 10 pace) It was so much fun for me to actually be passing people! Tried not to get too cocky since these people were 12 miles into their race, but it still felt good. All relay runners wore a yellow bib that read RELAY on the back of their shirt, so most of the people that were passing me were fellow relay runners who also just received the handoff. My first couple miles had some hills, but I just wanted to go fast and crush them, so I kept running hard and knocked out the first two miles in 9:33 and 9:47! I kept the press on during mile 3 at 10:12. Shortly after that reality set in. I would guess it was a combination of unrecovered legs, pushing too hard on the early hills and just a touch of heat (it was into the 60s now), but it was all I could do to hold on to miles 4 and 5 at 10:59 and 11:04.
I was feeling good that I had yet to walk at all and thought with only 2.7 left I might make it until I turned a corner and found THE hill that broke me! It wasn't a necessarily long hill, but was VERY steep. I made it about 3 strides into it and felt my legs quit and fall into a heavy walk. I don't know about you, but once I walk, it is so hard to get going again. At the top of the hill I tried to find a little jog, but I rarely could go more than a minute or two before I had to walk again. Miles 6 and 7 were a dismal 12:50 and 12:42 even though the course flattened out significantly, and many of those people that I passed were now catching back up to me!

The exchange area here was just like the one I started in with apples, water and gatorade. Plenty of folks milling around and cheering as well. A short walk to the waiting bus, and we're on our way back downtown! Once off the bus, I follow a gated area that leads to the actual "Finish Swine" where I get my medal and all the same great post race food and drink that everyone else gets! Pretty decent medal considering each runner gets one! I had a text from Shaun who was waiting on me at the exit and we met up to cheer Mark in to the finish line!
When it was all said and done, our official time was 5:00:04! How crazy is that!? It's like I have a curse with that darn 5 hour mark! Can't even break it with a relay team! It's just not meant to be! We ended up 471/607 relay teams!
I love this picture of Shaun, Mark and I! Had such a great time and met a new friend in the process!