Carry-on luggage made it easy for us to get around once we got there. Hotel shuttle was waiting on us and we were checked in by 3:00 and had 3 hours left to get to the expo and check in.

First ride on the Boston subway system was about as scary as I expected, but truth be told the MBTA system is fantastic and somewhat easy to navigate, once you got a feel for it. Due to some construction, we had to use 3 different trains each time we headed downtown. Blue line to Orange line to Green line. We quickly learned to just relax because no matter how much you stress you can't make those trains move any faster. By train it was roughly 45 minutes from hotel to expo.

When we emerged from underground to the downtown skyline it was a bit overwhelming. People everywhere! Sidewalks packed. Restaurants flooded. When we reached the convention center, it was still very busy. All the way up to the third floor for packet pickup and shirt distribution, which wasn't too crowded (given that there were only a couple hours left to get checked in) as most had done it in the previous two days. But once we reached the expo, it was very congested!

The first main merchandise area is sponsored by Adidas and is the primary place to get all the official gear! The yellow long sleeve tech shirt that all entrants get is awesome, but Molly already told me I needed an official jacket. We'd seen runners from previous years wearing theirs everywhere starting with the airplane from Atlanta all the way to the expo where most athletes were wearing one. Again, being late...sold out! Unless you were a size small (which I'm not), you could only get one by ordering from the Adidas booth there. So I did, and it was delivered to my home on Wednesday! Awesome! I picked up another short sleeve logo shirt without the year, and Molly got a nice one as well.

We toured the expo for the next two hours stopping at various booths to take it all in. Bought a few things, sampled a few things (including Sam Adams 26.2 Boston Brew!!), picked up some freebies and just enjoyed it all, but by 5:00 we'd had all we could handle, and had dinner plans for 6, so we left.

As I disclosed in an earlier post, I'm here on a VIP invitation from John Hancock. Besides the gear that I had already received from them, the first VIP experience came at 6:00 with dinner at the Fairmont Copley Plaza hotel. Molly and I arrived early and waited in the lobby to do a little people watching and rest our legs, but when the doors opened at 6, we were greeted with a beautiful ballroom full of finely decorated tables, buffet style dinner, open bar, and an upcoming stage presentation. We were starving so we wasted no time in grabbing a table close to the pasta bar and near the stage. We dug right in to some delicious food and laughed at the bottles of Gatorade sitting next to the Jack Daniels at the open bar! They truly catered to everyone! As other guests arrived, I was quick to realize this was more than just guys like me who were topping off the tank before tomorrow's run, but based on the paparazzi style photographers in the room, this was about to be a Who's Who event of New Englanders!
A slightly older and very fit lady asked if she and her friend could sit with us. Sure, why not? She asked if this was my first Boston and I said yes,. She asked what other marathons I had done, and I replied I had done 5 and Chicago was the biggest prior to this. Enough about me, so I asked, "what about you?" Long story short, I was talking to the legendary Gold medal marathon Olympian Joan Benoit Samuelson, who has won Boston twice. Admittedly, I recognized the name, but had no idea what her running resume was like! Seriously, click the link and imagine how I felt, having just asked, "How many marathons have you run?" She was very gracious, and simply answered, "I've lost count", to which I ignorantly replied, "Well that says something". The gentleman next to her was Greg Meyer, yeah he's won Boston too! As I'm googling Joan's name on my phone, I'm 99% certain that the empty chair next to Molly is now being occupied by 4-time Boston marathon champion, Bill Rodgers! Bill just starts talking like we're old friends and sharing stories about Joan and Greg. I jokingly say, I've got to get a selfie of this table, and someone else says, no let me take your picture, so Molly and I hop up and got this great picture!
What a memory! There are 6 Boston Marathon wins, and an Olympic Gold medal between the four of us - just sayin'! Bill didn't run, but Joan ran a 2:54 and won her age group! Still got it at 57!
Our conversation was short lived as they were called up on stage and were the first three introduced, followed by dozens of other Boston sports figures (past and present) from the Pariots, Celtics, Red Sox, and Bruins. It was amazing. The final introduction of the evening was for Sean Astin, or as I most recognize him as - RUDY!
I had to get a picture, but enjoyed a lengthy conversation about race strategy and nutrition plans. (Sean ran a 4:49 by the way)
It was getting late, and we needed to get back to the hotel, but I needed one more photo. I grabbed Joe Andruzzi and asked if I could have a photo with him. I didn't really know much about him other than that he had played for the Patriots. There is a famous photo of him carrying a bombing victim from 2013 that kind of tugged at my heart.
After Molly snapped it, I confided in him that I was a Colts fan, to which he replied, "sucks to be you". We both laughed and he could not have been nicer.

5 a.m. alarm goes off, but naturally I've already been awake for the last half hour. First order of business, check the weather - yikes! It's going to be miserable. Cold. Rain. Wind. Wind chill near freezing. Ugh! I decided to go 3 layers, but stuck with the shorts and calf sleeves. Was glad I had packed my gloves as well!
I layered up, kissed Molly goodbye, and headed downstairs to the hotel shuttle. Only 3 others on the bus with me to get dropped off at the train station. Those 3 and almost every other athlete up before the sun is in wave 1 and is headed to the general bus loading area, but this big guy is staying on the train all the way downtown, to the VIP tent.

Once I entered, I found Bob. Bob and I met last month in the Dominican Republic and shared the plan to meet up. Bob introduced me to his friend Bo and Amy (Amy is also an Edward Jones financial advisor from Vermont). We shared our nervous energy as we debated strategy. It was not yet raining, but was cold and windy. We had our own port a pots in the lot next door that sat less than a block from the finish line, so I took a little stroll out to take in the stillness of the area imagining what it would be like later that afternoon. Streets were lined with officers from every level and it was fascinating to watch the bomb sniffing dogs at work! Back inside, I opted for half a bagel with some cream cheese and a bottle of Gatorade, and then continued to sip water all morning.
At 7:10, they announced that the buses were here and it was time to roll. Since VIP includes athletes from all waves, we all had to get out there early for the first wave runners. Athletes in the village will board school buses, we got charter buses!! Our driver was a retired police officer from Hopkinton, and he told us how proud he was to be driving us today. Sitting shotgun on every bus was a designated speaker. Ours was a 70 year old male who was about to run his 23rd consecutive Boston Marathon. He talked briefly about the course, but in greater length about the power of the mind over the physical. Some inspirational words on an otherwise lonely bus ride.
The commute was roughly 45 minutes despite the 8 state trooper motorcycle escort we had. It was awesome. One would speed ahead and block the on ramp and then fall in behind the convoy of 12 buses. We were cruising, but my nerves were on high alert.
I took my phone with me, and planned to run with it in my spibelt so that Molly could track me real time. I even thought ahead to bring a portable charger and a ziploc baggie to keep it all dry. Molly and I had been texting briefly during the ride, but it was a surprising text that came out of no where that reminded me I wasn't alone today. A colleague of mine sent a simple text that just said, "Run your race Chris! How awesome to run in the Boston Marathon!!" I replied thanks and that I would appreciate the prayers today. And then I got this reply...
This text came in literally as we were rolling up to the athlete village, and darn near brought me to tears. I can't describe the emotions, other than to say, it was clear that we were about to be part of something very special.
The Hopkinton Jr/Sr High School is the location for the athlete village, and the 30000 athletes hang out in these tents.....unless you're a VIP! I got to sit inside the gymnasium. The same full spread of food, drink, and our own private port a pots! It was a HUGE advantage on a day like this!

Finally, the announcement came, it was time to make my way to the start line. Wave 1 was nearly an hour into their race. Wave 2 took off 25 minutes later. Wave 3 was in their starting corrals, and now, the final wave, wave 4, my wave, was making their way to the start line!

The walk to the start line is a good 20 minutes, and the rain was really picking up as we made our way there. Volunteers lined the fencing with bags to collect throw away clothes. There were residents offering a last sip of water, orange slices, Vaseline, and every other imaginable prerace need. It was loud. It was exciting. The energy was electric. And then we reached our corral, #4.
I pulled my phone out one more time and sent Molly one last "I love you" message while I hovered over my phone to protect it from the intensifying rain. The announcer said "2 minutes until the start", so I recorded this video...
Then I hurried and tried to post it to Facebook as the starting gun went off! I could see the bar scrolling across that it was trying to post, so I left it on, stuffed it in the ziploc and tucked it in my belt as we followed the masses to the start line. In short, it never posted, and likely drained my battery trying. My best guess is my phone went dead around mile 6.
It took roughly 3 minutes to reach the start line and with a little jog, I wished Amy well, started my Garmin, and crossed the start line! (That was the last time I saw Amy. An injury at mile 6 slowed her way down, but she did eventually finish)
I'm doing it! I'm really doing it! I'm running in the freakin' Boston Marathon! 100 yards downhill into one of the greatest marathons in the world, and I feel like a million bucks! How do I get so lucky? I puffed my chest out and ran tall. I surveyed the area and took it all in. I waved to the cameras. I high fived the children. I blew kisses into the wind. I was as carefree as one could be in that moment, and I will never forget how that felt!
Unfortunately, this feeling couldn't last all day. The first mile is almost all downhill and once off the start line, not overly crowded with spectators. I saw a sign with a 1 on it and was shocked to see how soon I had reached it. Turns out it was the 1k marker, not the 1 mile marker. (Every single kilometer and mile was marked on the course!) A slight rise in elevation at the end of mile 1 kept me honest with the strategy to just relax out of the gate and let the jack rabbits bounce around me as I stayed in the middle third of the road. I had no problem, and actually enjoyed checking out those around me. Most of which are there by invitation or running for charity, so in the first mile, everyone just kind of trots along at roughly the same pace. I'm not one for conversation, so with one ear bud in one ear, I'm just out for a Monday morning jog at this point.

This was the first time I remember seeing a landmark that I was expecting to see. It was a train depot in Framingham. Very cool looking and very crowded with people on both sides of the streets and some marching drums being played under the canopy that echoed loudly through the small town.
Somewhere between miles 6 and 7, I passed a large group of people in the middle of the road. They were all carrying umbrellas and there was a buzz of media around as well. I looked over my shoulder to see a man walking awkwardly at an incredibly slow pace of less than one step per second, and a very short stride. It wasn't until I got home on Tuesday that I read of the last finisher of the Boston Marathon. If you've missed this story, please take the time to check it out.
Somewhere between miles 6 and 7, I passed a large group of people in the middle of the road. They were all carrying umbrellas and there was a buzz of media around as well. I looked over my shoulder to see a man walking awkwardly at an incredibly slow pace of less than one step per second, and a very short stride. It wasn't until I got home on Tuesday that I read of the last finisher of the Boston Marathon. If you've missed this story, please take the time to check it out.

That was where I took my first walking steps. Mile 11 is almost all uphill and I walked most of it making that mile over 13 minutes and was becoming quite upset about how the day was turning, but that's when I heard it...the scream in the distance...the women of Wellesley College who were waiting for me! I know this because they were all screaming my name! (Yes, this is the reason you use duct tape and a sharpie to write your name on your shirt!)
If you've not heard about the scream tunnel at Wellesley, check it out here on YouTube, there are over 1200 videos to choose from! You can hear the screams from over a quarter mile away, and as you enter the area, it is truly deafening! You can't help but smile, and you can't help but run. It's nearly a half mile long of nonstop screams, kisses, and awesome signs. (No, I did not stop for the girl holding the "I use tongue" sign) It was a part of the race experience I will never forget, and I'm not sure any of those videos really do it justice! It also doesn't hurt that it's a little bit down hill as you lead to the 20k mark which for me dropped my average pace almost 30 seconds from the 15k mark.

Miles 14 and 15 are almost all uphill. I was really dealing with some pain and discomfort at this point. The hill was not steep, but it required an extra umph that I just didn't have. Mile 15 paced out over 14 minutes and I was quite discouraged. Thankfully mile 16 was the exact opposite! This is the steepest downhill on the course and drops over 100 feet of elevation down to lower Newton falls. It feels like you're just falling down the hill! And even though everything hurt, it was easier to just let gravity take me down, so I jogged/fell down the hill and pounded my quads like never before, but didn't gain much time on the clock.

At the peak of 17 there is another landmark I had read about. The Newton fire station. A beautiful building that you make a 90 degree turn at (one of very few on the course), and crowd is thick and supportive through here, so I jog a few steps but am unable to avoid my first 15 minute mile. This is getting bad.
But not as bad as mile 18 which continues uphill and I swear I tried to jog some, but the time just kept dropping, slower and slower. Mile 19 is actually somewhat flat, but I had zero ability to make my body go any faster. It was at this point, that for the first of four times as I passed a medical tent (there was one every mile), someone came out on to the course to ask me if I was okay. She said I looked a little wobbly and was swerving side to side. Couldn't tell you, I don't remember. I was numb. I told her I was fine (I wasn't) and went on.

The good news is, it's all downhill from here! Literally every mile is a drop in elevation, and I allowed myself to jog the downhills, but that was all I had. The crowds were thinning and I knew the next landmark I was looking forward to was Fenway Park. The CITGO sign can be seen almost a mile away on a good day, but with the low cloud cover and fog, you could barely make it out until you were right on top of it. One of the great traditions of marathon Monday, is that the Red Sox play a home game at 11:30 a.m. The idea being that when the game is over, the crowd spills out on to the street as the marathoners are running by. The crowd is thickest at the same time the bulk of the runners are coming through and the extra cheers are good for everybody. Red Sox made short work of the Orioles today and won 7-1 which had the crowd (who just sat through the rain to watch the game) dissipating quickly to seek shelter, so there were only a few extras cheering when I passed by around 4:30.

When I reached the 1 mile to go sign. I untied my space blanket and threw it to the fencing. I pulled up my sleeves and adjusted my hat. Maybe if I thought I looked strong, I would feel strong? Maybe! I forced myself to jog a bit. There's an underpass as you near the end of Commonwealth Avenue that was fun to run down, but not so much to run back up. Yeah, I walked it.
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But as you emerge, you are literally at the right hand turn on to Hereford. Hereford is the second most famous road because of the traditional saying associated with the end of the race, "Right on Hereford, Left on Boylston" - I decided to walk most of Hereford, because I wanted there to be no doubt that I could run all of Boylston.
The crowd on Hereford was quite thick, and there are lots of restaurants with open air seating that were filled to capacity. It's 5:00 in downtown Boston. If you started at 10 a.m. and ran a 3 hour marathon, you were done by 1:00, have had a shower, a nap, and are headed out to dinner! And that's who was there, cheering for me. Many wearing their medals and cheering loudly. With the convention center in sight, and the Boylston Avenue sign on my left, I galloped into a little jog and made the "Left on Boylston" - Instant Goosebumps!
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Panoramic View from Molly's grandstand seats! |
The road is wide, VERY WIDE! The noise is loud. VERY LOUD! It echoes off the buildings and despite the other athletes around you, it feels like it's all for you! I pulled the earbud out of my ear and took it all in. I was 100% committed to running every step of it. It's quite a stretch but the finish line is in sight the whole time.

I pointed at her with both hands and lengthened my stride.
As I got closer I pulled my cap off and waved it in circles over my head! I waved again, and blew her kisses as I fought back the tears through my smile!
I tried to put the cap back on, but then fumbled it so just kept it in my hands. Here is the video that Molly took as I crossed the line!

I've retyped that last paragraph 12 different ways. There are just no good words to describe that raw emotion of finishing a marathon. And feel free to exchange the word marathon for whatever race distance you view as a near impossible challenge. The point is, I am grateful for every finish line I cross, no matter what the time on the clock says. Today was extra challenging. Beyond emotional. And unforgettable.

Found Molly and she had me follow her into a nearby hotel that she had scouted out earlier. She wore some extra layers of mine so that she could take them off for me to wear, but it wasn't enough, so she hopped into a gift shop and bought me a Harvard hooded sweatshirt! Desperate times...

It was a short night sleep as we had to be leave for the airport by 7 a.m., and yes, I wore my medal!
And yes, they made me take it off going through security!
I can assure you I was not the only one. It was very rewarding to see so many athletes in the airport doing the marathon shuffle. The plane home was full of Indiana finishers including Michael Scott of Run Nerds Rock who I've followed for years. He sat right behind us on the plane.
Now for some fun data:
For Garmin users - Here is the data from the run! The Heart Rate monitor failed me once I started walking, but the elevation and pacing is right on, though my swerving got me an extra 3/10ths of a mile!

Final thanks to my sponsors -
John Hancock Financial for the invitation and the VIP treatment!
Headsweats for the gear to keep that driving rain out of my face!
X-1 Audio who sent me new water resistant ear buds the week before to keep my tunes going!
Additional thanks to Team Chocolate Milk, even though there was none to be found at the finish!
So that's it, marathon #6 is in the books. My slowest time and my most cherished medal of the 6!
So what's next?? The first text I sent when I got back to the hotel was to my running partner Pete, which read, "I'm retired". Now 5 days later, well, let's save that for another blog post! Thanks for reading friends!